"If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliché that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that's his problem. Love and peace are eternal. "

Saturday, July 16, 2011

When you know.. you just know..

All of my life I've had high hopes and aspirations for love.  I've dreamed of the type of man I'd marry.. the qualities that he would hold and the morals that would be distilled deep inside of him.  As I grew up I realized that what I wanted would be a lot harder to find than I'd like it to be.  Why can't love be found easily?  Wouldn't that make dealing with the world so much easier? I mean, surely it would at least make the world a better place.  

NEWS FLASH TO THE DREAMER INSIDE OF ME: If love, TRUE love, was something that is easily found then it wouldn't be as amazing as it truly is.  

During my journey to becoming who I am today I have crossed paths with many people who had claimed to find true love.  They said, "When you know.. you just know.  I walked in the room and saw him.  I instantly knew we'd be together forever."  My mind responded with two little tiny words, "Bull Shit."  Some would say that is a rather cynical outlook that I hold in my possession but in all reality (at the time) how was I to know that those people really did know what they were talking about?  Perhaps it's not the same for everyone in the world but for those who have experienced love at first site.. I'm happy to say I finally know the feeling.  I'd like to officially retract my previous (internal) statement.  Love at first site is not bull shit.. it might take a while to realize that true love is what you've got on your hands but that realization will come, in time.  =)

I remember getting ready for a night out with a friend.  I looked in the mirror and thought, "Alright, this outfit will work."  With a black mini skirt and tights, who could go wrong?  Hours later I saw him.  I looked up and there he was in a boring old grey t shirt, jeans, and 'man boots'.  I looked at my friend and said, "I am going to talk to HIM by the end of tonight."  I remember the first time we made eye contact, the first words he said to me, and the first time he helped me off the floor of the bar.  Classy, I know.  I remember our first real date, the food I ate, and the outfit he wore.  I remember his first text to me and how every other sentence would have a smiley face to follow.  I was enamored by him from the first second I laid eyes on him.  And now, after months apart, I've found him again.  Never once did I stop loving him.. never once will I ever stop loving him.  He is my soul mate and I can only hope and pray that we always love in the same manner, grow old at the same rate, and leave this world at the same time.  He is my world, my lifelong boyfriend and fiance, and forever my husband.  He is the man that I will forever owe my life to, my heart to, and my soul to.  

For all of those who doubt the power of love.. this once non believer is now in the believers club.  

I promise this: When you know.. you just know..

1 comment:

  1. You know, I used to feel that way too! And to be honest for me it was the same as finding my wedding dress...i tried on a few (well more than a few) and I got REALLY excited about a few..but there was just SOMETHING off. Couldn't put my finger on it. Until I tried on the dress I ended up choosing..it was a moment of clarity. I put it on and I didn't bubble up and start crying but looked at myself in the mirror and said "yep..without a doubt this is "the one"..it's perfect. Everything about it is perfect and I can't ask for anything more" I know it's odd comparing Matt to my dress (lol) but just sayin'..he was my moment of clarity :) So happy for you Brit <3
