"If someone thinks that love and peace is a cliché that must have been left behind in the Sixties, that's his problem. Love and peace are eternal. "

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Eight months and counting.

I never thought I'd be a cyber blogger but... who writes in a diary anymore anyway?  I have two notebooks that are empty... granted, they're brand new... and will be used starting May 11th, 2011.  <--- If this date had a mouth I'd ask it to kiss my backside.  

So.. why am I blogging?  Well, I'm not good at expressing how I feel about a lot of things... although I can think of one person... one of the most important persons in my life... who would beg to differ.  I'd like to think that I keep many thoughts and emotions at bay.  Why talk about them if the only person they're affecting is myself?  Sure, I reflect on these emotions... in my HEAD... which apparently leads to down a path of frustration, stress, and destruction.  Not destruction in a literal 'buildings crashing to the ground, slit my wrists' sense but in the 'I'm going to lose my god forsaken mind' sense.  So, Hello Cyber World, my name is Brittany, and I'm a blogging virgin whose about to release all of her bubbly insecurities, sarcastic remarks, and blonde intuition on all of you.  =)

Now... eight months and counting... 

What the heck sort of time frame is eight months?  A spring/summer school semester?  A short term pregnancy?  A serious Credit Card bill that needs to be paid off?  How about a ridiculous time frame of which I'm going to shoot to save $4000.  Yeah... that coming from the girl who has NEVER, I repeat NEVER, had any sort of money stay in her savings account for more than 10 days.  Looking on the bright side, my debt (all thanks to a horrible shopping habit), is officially at a ZERO balance!  Whooooop! 

Well although all of these things could happen within an eight month window, what I'm really talking about is an eight month mission to strengthen myself mentally and financially all while writing in those two empty journals starting on that wretched date that I mentioned before.  May 11th, 2011.  During this time I am keeping a promise that I made to someone to be STRONG, SOLID, and FAITHFUL, and I'm bound and determined to show him that I'm the girl who can do all of those things.  Oh, and I am shooting to lose 22Lbs.  Yiiiiikkkeees.  =)  Why am I doing this?  Well, it's simple.  I'm in love.  I'm in love with a Navy Sailor.  And this AMAZING man is getting deployed in 15 days.  FML.

I support the military... I support him... but just because I support it doesn't mean I have to like it.  I like having him local... I like being able to talk to him whenever I want to.  I like being so exhausted from laughing at his ridiculous antics all day long that I come home and fall asleep curled up next to him in an instant.  Well ladies and gents, this marks the beginning of eight months of not getting what I like.  Again, FML. 

I bought a charm with an anchor on it today to hang from a lanyard that he gave me before he left... Now, not only do I have that hanging from my rear view mirror but I have his name on my key chain (thank you, Chris) and pictures everywhere to make the next 7.5 months a little bit LESS painful.  

SSF.  I've got this.  =)


  1. I love that you're blogging, it's so therapeutic! Got me through some rough times, that for sure ;) Good for you!

  2. You starting a blog has inspired me to go back to mine. I put it off for too long. Whoops. And welcome to the wonderful world of military life. :-) Send me your address, as I now have something special for you with this upcoming deployment an this great thing you're now doing. Keep writing, and I'll keep reading. Love you lady!
